片段中拍攝了幾段米羅的作畫過程,他都是以黑色開始的,直覺帶領他先用黑色,有時會再加上白,接著用指頭點捺上不同的顏色如紅的、綠的作點綴,用以平衡構圖。之後,會有好一段時間對着作品安靜沉思。翌日當他對作品有新體會時,他又會再由黑色開始;待油彩乾了,他會用筆刀刻上一些隨心而畫的符號。米羅習慣以本能直覺去創作,他喜歡用十隻手指為作品添加色彩,正如他自己說,「繪畫就像用手指彈琴按黑白鍵盤一樣!」我很認同對談中的一句描述「非常充滿詩意,但其實又非常基本與日常。」 “very poetic, but very basic ones” (ToD,31’ 40”)
在什麼都說不得做不得的年頭,米羅還可以挑戰藝術的表達形式,還可以顛覆學院派的藝術傳統,還可以拓闊個人視野和藝術領域,以建築物料當畫布,用雜物拼貼做雕塑;由繪畫到雕塑、製陶、版畫以至海報,米羅為劇場設計道具戲服,為聯合國教科文組織製作海報宣傳人權訊息,在公共空間如機場、大街(la rambla)、公園(Parc Joan Miro)中創作大型馬賽克或雕塑裝置,為社會為大眾付上自己的一分,鼓勵任何材料都可用以創作,示範無用之用,推動藝術普及性,讓更多人享受參與藝術的樂趣。
在治療過程中,會不斷反覆檢討自己,認真思考什麼治療方法最適合個案。從敍事實踐(Narrative Practice)學到,所有好與壞都有正反兩面,甚至有多元真相(Multiple truth) 。例如:我的「認真」讓我要求自己事事做好,卻令自己容易「諗多左」過於憂慮; 同時,亦有機會為別人帶來壓力,這些在治療時會有可能造成「反移情」效應 (counter-transference) 影響個案。故此,治療師的自我檢視和定期心靈排毒十分重要,這樣更能善用負傷的治療者(Wounded Healer)這個原型特質,好好處理自己的內在需要,更能明白個案的困惑,與個案同情共感; 以 Carl Rogers的人本取向,以同理心真誠地接納和面對個案(和自己)的軟弱無力,與個案一起尋找解謎的鎖匙,發現生命的不同可能,亦相信任何時候都能作出改變,No Too Early , Never Too Late。
Sure surre You are really good~~~
***** ***** *****
Dorothy Wong 英國註冊戲劇治療師| 南澳洲大學輔導學碩士 個人輔導/創意治療/小組課程(治療中心位於灣仔/ 網上平台) 查詢:info@dreamoftomorrow.hk
敍事治療由Michael White創立,強調這㮔方式是一種世界觀、生活實踐,而非「理論」「模式」。治療師與案主是平等的,甚至案主才是領航員,這一種角色定位(或「不定位」)讓治療關係更顯自然。坦白說,我一直都很怕一些機構或案主要你「保証醫好」「包生仔」「唔該show quali 」那種種要你扮專家的眼光/請求,事實上,心理治療是一個互動互信的過程,治療結果也跟這個信任有偌大關係。
到了該放下就放下的年紀,各方面都在學習「斷捨離」- 在治療工作上,同樣地學習斷絕不需要的既有形象、捨棄多餘的顧慮、脫離執著的各式各樣理論知識,什麼對於案主是最有幫助的,還是我最看重的 – 以真、以誠,同在、同行 Be with the clients at where they are。
有興趣研究榮格學說的,都會對自身的故事和意象特別敏感,生活上會尋索外在環境所發生,與內在心靈感受的契合,這也是榮格所說的共時性 (synchronicity),聽說愛恩斯坦和榮格是有計傾的,他曾這樣形容我們以為的「巧合」,其實是「上帝匿名的安排」(Coincidence is God’s way of remaining anonymous – Albert Einstein)。
透過相片、文字、視象或影片分享,我們改變一個空間的用途,以創意重構私人空間,正如之前提及的,正好也是私人空間轉移(Personal Placemaking)的又一例子。我們除了把家轉移成為餐廳、酒吧、髪型屋以至健身室,著實世界各地陸續有不同的人,苦悶讓他們激發創意,不論是專業藝術工作者,還是各階層人士,或是一般家庭成員,把私人空間轉移成為藝術空間和劇場聖地 (Turning Personal Place into Theatre Place)。
如果藝術作品是一張紙,藝術創作和管理就是紙的兩面。有人能做出一張沒有底的紙嗎?我們會在紙上書寫,在其上繪畫,或是做拼貼;在展覽中,掛在牆上的都是被欣賞的紙面,但堅實地承托著作品的,是紙的背面。今天想起這個,就覺得從紙的兩面看管理很有趣。從事藝術管理工作多年,也許,經常看輕我的是我自己(哼!我的麻煩老我又出來搞事!)。其實,老師不是真的嘲笑管理者,他自己本身就是一個日理萬機,同一時間能管理和指導地球上不同角落創作戲劇作品的人。我也不是真的跟他理論,而是對他說「真正的管理」深表認同。五個編作過程其中一步是組織(Organisation),如何把散落一地的點子創意地連結起來,這種創意組織才是真正的管理之道(Management is a Process of Creative Organization)。
In the past few days, I slept for a few hours and ate very little. After two weeks’ hard working, a proposal about arts development was finally completed and submitted. How come I still want to write at the moment? Keep breathing. Keep staying alive. Pleasure comes after pain. I would like to seize the élan and jot down my thoughts and feelings. It is a journey about multipotentialities from an arts practitioner perspective.
I hate writing proposal. It is all about pain. Giving birth is one of the most painful experiences in woman’s life. Maybe writing a proposal is similar, at least it is to me. Last year I spent a lot of efforts on preparing a funding proposal that finally failed. It scared me and I do not want to fall down into that hell again.
Once I decided to do one thing, I would work in full gear. Lately somebody asked me how to write a proposal. I think of a few things we have to equip ourselves. Before you write, you need to have ideas, whatever great or small. Passion is an appetite for preparing your writing feast. You have to fall in love with the ideas, otherwise you will not have any motivation to move things forward. Then you have to discuss with different parties. Sometimes you need to vigorously discuss with them for improving the plans. You have to well understand your partners’ thoughts and feelings. Good communication skills do help. Be slow enough to let your ideas evolve and sublimate, while you also have to go fast to finish it before deadline. The most headache part is the budget estimation while a lot of stupid and difficult questions are there waiting for you to answer. It is like a journey travelling between the hell and the earth.
For me, arts administration and project management is such a boredom. As an arts administrator and project manager, I feel complicated. Sometimes I do want to create, to curate and to produce more interesting and meaningful art works (You may find me strange if you know my million crazy thoughts inside). However, I have been occupied by tonnes of nuts and bolts that I really hate.
In the December Devising Theatre workshops, the theatre Master David Glass continued to share with us his Five Creative Process. In the class, he kept laughing at the management professionals, said they were zombies without life. I pretended to be angry and argued with him. No workshops could be successfully held without group of people to arrange it.
I ponder, if an artwork were a paper itself, creative artwork and management would thus be two sides of this paper. Anyone can make a paper with only one side? On the paper, someone will write, another will paint. Some might work on it with arts collage . When the artwork is hanged up in a gallery, visitors may only see its front side but not the back. If you sees it from the back, you may observe how it strongly supports the front. Today when this paper analogy came to my mind, I found great insights and real joy. I suddenly realised that no one look me down, except myself (again!).
David did not really laugh at the management people, in fact, he is a management expert as he can take care of many different theatre projects in different countries around the globe at the same time. He is a superb about management. I did not really argue with him, but agree with him on how he defined Management. One of his Five Creative Practice is about “Organisation”. He said that management is “a process of creative organization”. A genuine creative manager is able to link up different fragmented ideas creatively and weave it into a beautiful picture.
In the past few months, we experienced a lot of social unrest and witnessed the vicious side of the city. No great thing I can do but I would like to do something meaningful to our society. In the process of writing this proposal, I am most grateful for the input from David and the strategic partner Olivia. Without them, without their abundant theatrical knowledge and experiences, nothing can be achieved. We all try our very best to contribute our own efforts. Whatever the result is, this collaboration is very meaningful and encouraging. Life is beautiful. Partnership is beautiful.
In the proposal, arts administration and facilitation coaching is included. If this article has already kicked start the first step? Despite the outcome, Let’s focus on what we can do, and what we should do.