About Dream of Tomorrow
凝聚多元點子 拼發創想力量
DOT is a slashie-dottie community that encourages people to dream, observe, think and act
Dorothy Wong
Dream of Tomorrow 創辦人及總監、英國註冊戲劇治療師及美國認證全球生涯發展師,具多年展覽策劃(包括博物館/大型商場/港鐵站/機場展覽等)、公眾藝術互動、市場推廣、輔導、戲劇治療、企業培訓等豐富經驗,近年策劃及推廣各類型文化藝術項目,如為香港藝術館編寫及製作「米羅:如詩夢幻」互動劇場、參與策劃大館「 動戲.童迷香港藝術計劃」、沙田文化博物館的公眾活動及藝術裝置、香港博物館節公眾節目、亦為不同藝術機構及博物館製作互動節目、戲劇演出、創意工作坊、書籍出版、錄像製作及宣傳企劃等。同時積極發展 DOTA 模式,鼓勵跨界協作,致力建立點子社群。
As Founder & Director of Dream of Tomorrow, Dorothy is also an UK registered dramatherapist & US certified global career development facilitator. Dorothy is experienced in arts engagement, brand marketing and event management. She curated different art projects, cultural events, creative workshops and exhibitions (including exhibitions in museums, shopping malls, MTR stations and HK Airport), publications, video production and marketing campaigns etc. She produced Miro’s Poetic Dreams Interactive Theatre for the Hong Kong Museum of Art, organised Lost Child HK at Tai Kwun (co-produced with O Theatre Workshop), public programmes and digital art installations at Hong Kong Heritage Museum, Muse Fest HK events for Hong Kong Public museums etc. She leads brand development projects and delivers staff training, specialising in shaping corporate culture and team building. She has particular commitment in counselling, drama & movement therapy, corporate training & public art projects. Dorothy is thrilled to develop DOTA Model, aims at building Slashie-Dottie community.
Fai Yeung
Dream of Tomorrow 總監、faitheatre 創辦人、美國認證全球生涯發展師,現致力發展電影生命教育及錄像製作。影音媒體教育及培訓工作超過二十年經驗,拍攝通識學習教材和網上短片,策劃《U-Action青年行動錄像節》青年劇本拍攝資助計劃。曾任電台DJ、編導,於香港專業教育學院 (IVE) 觀塘分校,香港知專設計學院 (HKDI) 及香港大學專業進修學院 (HKUSPACE) 兼任講師,教授錄像製作、戲劇理論和電影與心理學等科目;亦為企業帶領員工培訓,為青年中心、教會及中學舉辦錄像、戲劇和DJ訓練工作坊。
As director of Dream of Tomorrow, founder of faitheatre, and US certified global career development facilitator, Fai is committed to media training, video production and life education using films and different media. Fai is a training professional specializing in drama, creative training and media production, with over 20-year experience. He works as trainer, radio DJ, drama script writer, film director, video producer and lecturer at post-secondary education institutions. Fai was a part-time lecturer in IVE, HKDI and HKUSPACE, taught media production, drama theories and film psychology, etc. He is also a trainer for corporation, youth centre, church, university and school for a wide variety of training workshops.
Chan Kwan Yee
記者、編輯、編劇、監製。身心創意研究室Weak Chickens創辦人、法國藝文雜誌《Madame Figaro》香港版執行編輯;書籍《大象在球上走》的作者之一。曾為《明周》文化版編輯、《Mings》專題編輯及監製、Storyteller總編輯、網上雜誌包括Refine Magazine、好集慣編輯及策劃、天馬電影編劇等。近年積極參與DOT各項藝術項目的策劃及推廣工作,亦為不同品牌策劃宣傳企劃及撰寫廣告文案,並籌劃創意工作坊、書籍出版及錄像製作等。文章及作品圍繞生活文化及藝術。
A writer, journalist, editor, scriptwriter and producer; founder of the creative and physical lab Weak Chickens, and currently the executive editor of French magazine《Madame Figaro》HK edition. Kwan Yee began her career as a magazine editor, followed by producer and curator of different online platforms. She co-works with DOT on project management, marketing and publicity work, also leads different marketing and promotional campaigns, creative workshops, book publications and video productions for different brands and projects. Her articles and works centre on arts and culture.
Chester Lee
畢業於英國林肯大學,主修展覽及博物館設計。擁有超過15年裝置及陳列設計經驗,曾為不同著名品牌如LVMH, SK-ll, Shiseido Group, Fresh, YSL, Cle de Peau, Lamer, Swarovski, Converse 以及香港貿發局作品牌形象、店舖設計以至陳列工作; 近年與 DOT 緊密合作,深深體會到實踐有故事性的設計能夠觸動受眾,除了在設計概念以致應用上提供專業知識及意見,亦積極參與DOT藝術項目、展覽及影片製作相關設計。
Graduated from University of Lincoln with Design in Exhibition and Museum, Chester co-works with DOT and participates in concept development and design work of different art and cultural projects in the last few years. He has over 15-year design experience especially in Visual Merchandising. Storytelling is important for every brand to engage their customers, whatever products or services. Chester is experienced in brand development and is passionate at building connections between different brands and their consumers. Brand project he have been served included LVMH, SK-ll, Shiseido Group, Fresh, YSL, Cle de Peau, Lamer, Swarovski, Converse and HKTDC. Professionally specialised in turning brand conceptual values to design execution, not only does Chester provide seamless customer journeys through Retail Development, Retail Marketing, Store Design Conceptualisation & Visual Merchandising, he is also expanding his design belief and applications in different arenas.
Becky Chung
畢業於香港浸會大學視覺藝術系,致力推廣公眾參與藝術、文化和社區活動。遊走於文化藝術機構和社會企業,擅長策劃公眾藝術互動和青年教育工作,曾負責項目策劃管理包括錄影太奇多媒體教育計劃、社企民間高峰會閉幕禮、uRounders兒童權利領袖培訓計劃等。近年協助DOT籌辦多個藝術項目,如香港文化博物館節目系列 (2021)、大館「動戲.童迷香港藝術計劃」(2000)、香港故宮文化博物館「典雅藝博2019」特備節目等 ,相信連結和協作的力量能推動社會創新。Becky亦是一位社區藝術輔引師,探索如何善用藝術提升社區的生活品質。
Graduated from Academy of Visual Arts in Hong Kong Baptist University. Becky is committed to promoting public engagement in arts and culture. She is experienced in organizing and facilitating public events and youth education projects. She has collaborated with arts institutions and social enterprises, such as The Next Creator media arts education project at Videotage, Social Enterprise Summit and uRounders Children’s Rights Leadership project. Becky has also been cooperated with DOT in different arts projects e.g. the Hong Kong Heritage Museum public programmes (2021), Lost Child Project HK at Tai Kwun (2000), and special programmes for the Hong Kong Palace Museum at Fine Art Asia 2019. She believes the power of collaboration can promote social innovation. Becky is also a community art facilitator who aspires to improve the quality of life with arts.