以戲劇元素令培訓添色彩 Drama-in-Training
For achieving different training objectives, drama elements are employed in DOT training sessions, that facilitates participants to learn in an effective and enjoyable way. [More….]
戲劇及形體動作治療 Drama and Movement Therapy
Facilitate by a professionally trained drama therapist, to use drama and movement in a safe environment, and to enable people to find ways of expressing their needs, fears, anxieties and frustrations spontaneously and naturally.
Each creative therapy session is structured through a warm-up, main event and grounding, integrating with verbal counselling techniques. A session can be story- or movement-based, verbal or non-verbal. The therapy “toolkit” includes drama, myths, movement-with-touch, instruments, voice, music and sound , active imagination, mindfulness & relaxation, and other creative therapy methods.