About Dream of Tomorrow
Dorothy Wong
- 英國國家健康與照護專業評議會(HCPC)註冊藝術 (戲劇) 治療師 (註冊編號:AS05916)
- 全球職涯發展師 (美國諮商師認証委員會CCE認證編號:GCDF0569-HK)
- 中國國家企業培訓師(中國職業資格認證)
- 英國倫敦皇家中央演講及戲劇學院碩士(戲劇及形體動作治療)
- 南澳洲大學碩士(輔導學)
- 香港浸會大學文學士(宗哲)
- 香港戲劇治療師協會創會成員
- AASFP 運動科學及體適能基礎証書
- AASFP 註冊體適能專業教練
- 香港伸展運動學會伸展導師
- 香港大學專業進修學院營養學高等証書
- 修畢加拿大卑詩大學維真神學院「使命營商」課程
Dorothy 為英國註冊戲劇及形體動作治療師、美國認證全球生涯發展師,具多年輔導、戲劇治療、企業培訓 及 籌劃公眾藝術經驗,近年策劃及推廣各類型文化藝術項目,如香港博物館節、藝術裝置、戲劇演出、創意工作坊、展覽策劃 (包括博物館/大型商場/港鐵站/機場展覽等)、書籍出版、錄像製作及宣傳企劃等。過去十多年從事藝術互動、市場推廣及企業培訓,策劃品牌推廣活動,協助機構建立品牌形象、塑造企業文化,尤精於建立團隊及核心價值培訓。現積極發展 DOTA 模式,致力建立點子社群。
近年參與策劃及推廣如為香港藝術館創作「米羅:如詩夢幻」互動劇場 (2023)、與甄詠蓓戲劇工作室合作為大館策劃動戲.童迷香港藝術計劃 Lost Child Project HK (2020)、香港博物館節特備節目(2019 – 至今),並為 MOViE MOViE 盛夏藝術祭(2018)、設計香港地 (灣仔社區營造)(2018)作計劃顧問及統籌工作等等。
1998年開始,為不同社群演出及帶領戲劇工作坊(包括香港、柬埔寨、加拿大及英國);亦曾為一般青少年、在職人士、婦女團體、思覺失調患者、嚴重學習障礙人士、老年期癡呆症患者(香港及倫敦)及吉普賽兒童(羅馬尼亞) 進行戲劇及形體動作治療,對於針對青少年成長,以及婦女個人發展/家庭問題尤具心得。
Founder & Director
- UK state-registered arts (drama) therapist (Health & Care Professions Council (Reg No. AS05916)
- Global Career Development Facilitator (Certified qualification from CCE of NBCC, US. No. GCDF0569-HK )
- China National Vocational Qualification on Corporate Management Training
- The Royal Central School of Speech and Drama, London (MA in Drama and Movement Therapy)
- University of South Australia (MSSc in Counselling)
- Hong Kong Baptist University (BA in Religious Studies)
- Founding Member, Hong Kong Association of Drama Therapists (HKADT)
- AASFP Sports Science & Fitness Foundation certificate
- AASFP Certified Personal Fitness Trainer
- Stretching Instructor, Hong Kong Stretching Exercise Association
- Advanced Certificate in Nutrition, HKU SPACE
- Completed “Business As Mission” Course, Regent College, UBC Canada
Founder of Dream of Tomorrow. Dorothy is a UK registered dramatherapist & US certified global career development facilitator. She has particular commitment in counselling, drama therapy, corporate training, & public art projects. Dorothy is experienced in arts engagement, brand marketing and event management. She curated different art projects, cultural events, creative workshops and exhibitions (including exhibitions in museums, shopping malls, MTR stations and HK Airport), publications, video production and marketing campaigns etc. She organised Muse Fest HK events for Hong Kong Public museums in last few years. She leads brand development projects and delivers staff training, specialising in shaping corporate culture and team building. Dorothy is thrilled to develop DOTA Model, aims at building Slashie-Dottie community.
Dorothy created an Interactive Theatre performance “Miro’s Poetic Dreams” for the Hong Kong Museum of Art (2023), organised Lost Child Project HK with O Theatre Workshop at Tai Kwun (2020), curated Muse Fest HK events for Hong Kong Public museums (2019 – now), and worked as Project Consultant for MOViE MOViE Film Festival (2018-19) and Design District Hong Kong (Wan Chai Placemaking project 2018) etc.
She has led many local and overseas drama training since 1998, running performance and workshops in Hong Kong, Cambodia, Canada and United Kingdom. She has also worked with young people, working adults, women’s groups, youths with early psychosis, adults with profound learning difficulties, elderly with dementia (Hong Kong & London) and gypsy kids (Romania) using drama and movement therapy. Dorothy is passionate to work especially with young people and women about personal growth and family issues.
Fai Yeung
- 全球職涯發展師(美國諮商師認証委員會CCE認證編號 GCDF0570-HK)
- 英國東倫敦大學碩士 (電影與媒體)
- 香港浸會大學文學士(中國語言和文學)
faitheatre 創辦人、資深影音創作人。現致力發展電影生命教育及錄像製作。影音媒體教育及培訓工作超過二十年經驗,拍攝通識學習教材和網上短片,策劃《U-Action青年行動錄像節》青年劇本拍攝資助計劃。曾任電台DJ、編導,於香港專業教育學院 (IVE) 觀塘分校,香港知專設計學院 (HKDI) 及香港大學專業進修學院 (HKUSPACE) 兼任講師,教授錄像製作、戲劇理論和電影與心理學等科目;亦為企業帶領員工培訓,為青年中心、教會及中學舉辦錄像、戲劇和DJ訓練工作坊。
輝曾擔任商台《突破時刻》主持及編導,後任編劇和導演。導演作品包括電影《甜美生活》(2000),接拍禁毒署、公民教育委員會短片,電視製作《比賽人》(1999)《不死傳說》(2003) 等。2004年赴笈英國倫敦進修,畢業於東倫敦大學,畢業作品《Mary’s Kiss》以2003年香港人面對SARS的堅韌不屈為題材,獲2006年美國Telly Awards Bronze Winning。
- Global Career Development Facilitator (Certified qualification from CCE of NBCC, US. No. GCDF0570-HK )
- University of East London (MA in Film, Video, and New Screen Media)
- Hong Kong Baptist University (BA in Chinese Language and Literature)
As founder of faitheatre, Fai is committed to media training, video production and life education using films and different media. Fai is a training professional specializing in drama, creative training and media production, with over 20-year experience. He works as trainer, radio DJ, drama script writer, film director, video producer and lecturer at post-secondary education institutions. Fai was a part-time lecturer in IVE, HKDI and HKUSPACE, taught media production, drama theories and film psychology, etc. He is also a trainer for corporation, youth centre, church, university and school for a wide variety of training workshops.
Fai directed feature film “Sweet Sweet Life” in 2000. His work “Mary’s Kiss” depicting how Hong Kong people facing SARS, awarded US Telly Award Bronze Winning 2006. He produced different media production for the teaching materials of Liberal Studies, and coordinated the “U-Action Video Festival” for the young people to show their video works.
More can be found in below project websites: