請下載聲音導航開始你的個人旅程 Please click the below to start your personal journey:
第一站: 油街草地 (🔊 00:01) Spot 1: Oi! Lawn
第二站: H 型水泥 (🔊 04:00) Spot 2: H-shape cemented frame
第三站: 紅磚建築 (🔊 07:15) Spot 3: The red-bricked Grade II historic building complex
第四站: 油街著綠 (🔊 09:26) Spot 4: Oi! plants
第五站: 油街倉庫 (🔊 10:51) Spot 5: Oi! Warehouse
第六站: 油街玻璃屋 Spot 6: Oi! Glassie
第七站: 賞森.悅木 Spot 7: Joyful Trees
第八站: 油街陽台 Spot 8: Oi! Deck
第九站: 油街花園 Spot 9: Oi! Garden
第十站: 油街涼亭 Spot 10: Oi! Lounge

日期:2023年11月18日 (星期六) 及 11月19日 (星期日)
時間:上午10時 至 下午8時
地點:油街實現 (北角油街 12 號,港鐵炮台山站 A 出口)
更多有關「油街實現」: https://www.apo.hk/tc/web/apo/oi.html
Dream of Tomorrow 策劃及製作
As a small oasis in the city, Oil Street not only preserves the most ancient historical building, reminding us of the original coastline, but it also nurtures creativity in every corner – architecture, art and planting, where the past and the future reflect each other.
This time, we invite you to put on headphones and let the whispers guide you through a series of sound stories, intertwining with the scenery in front of you. Wander and immerse yourself in the space embracing both history and modernity. Through the ten spots created along Oil Street, you will be diving into ten different imaginations. You can trace back to the Victoria Harbour coastline from the lawn, and delve into the historical stories from every brick and tile, prompting you to reflect on your relationship and affection for this place. This is a story about our land, sea, and people, yet most importantly, a story about you and this time, this place, the here and now.
Whether it’s day or night, walking fast or leisurely, the audience is free to explore Oil Street at their own pace and in their own time.
More information about Oi!: https://www.apo.hk/en/web/apo/oi.html
#油街實現 #夜悠遊 #遊油夜 #日夜自遊油 #油街實現同樂日 #實現劇場三部曲 #OilStreetArtSpace #OilFunDay #OilSelfGuidedTour #TastingTheatrein3ways